Reading Light Lines. The Artistic Vision Beyond The Reality Of Today.
Exhibition of the members of la Permanente, curated by the Artistic Commission 2022-2023: Angela Maria Capozzi, Carlo Catiri, Massimo Romani. Museo della Permanente, Milan. 10-24 March 2023
ACQUAROSA, 2019 - Mixed media on paper, 52x35 cm
The ACQUAROSA recipe, invented by Leonardo Da Vinci, dating from around 1517, is contained in the Codex Atlanticus and is kept in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan. I have tried to depict this original recipe, the theme being among my favourite ones in my artistic research. However, with the work I do not want to express my intention to understand the content of the recipe by reading it, but I want ‘the painting’, i.e. the image depicted to be looked at and understood like any other painting. I want to ‘write a painting’. I understand indecipherable writing written backwards, as a form of communication between people who do not understand my language; my goal would be for the ‘reader’ observer to hear a dialogue through the picture. Actually, the drink Acquarosa is a special recipe. By mixing all the ingredients indicated by Leonardo, a pleasant, thirst-quenching drink can be obtained and is considered by Leonardo to be an aphrodisiac. Drunk in pleasant company it could help create a cheerful atmosphere and -maybe-forget the greyness of everyday life for a while. Monika Wolf